VIDEO: Rory McIlroy does Miguel Angel Jimenez celebration dance
European Tour Golf Culture Rory McIlroy News

VIDEO: Rory McIlroy does Miguel Angel Jimenez celebration dance

Rory McIlroy doesn't do a whole lot of on-course dancing. He does some strutting and the occasional twirl-n-release, but he leaves the footwork to the golf swing. That is, until last week.

Ahead of the BMW PGA Championship at the European Tour's annual pre-tournament gala, McIlroy went up to Miguel Angel Jimenez and delivered his interpretation of the Spaniard's hole-out dance.

"You're my hero," McIlroy said to Jimenez,"because, you know what, every time I turn on my TV, you either make a hole-in-one or hole out a shot."


It's at that point, McIlroy busts out the Reverse Ric Flair Strut.


"He does it every week," McIlroy said. "Every week you hole a shot!"

What's even better is that, just a few days later, Jimenez makes his European Tour record 10th career ace -- his third of the season, and he indeed does a strut.

About the author

Ryan Ballengee

Ryan Ballengee is founder and editor of Golf News Net. He has been writing and broadcasting about golf for nearly 20 years. Ballengee lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his family. He is currently a +2.6 USGA handicap, and he has covered dozens of major championships and professional golf tournaments. He likes writing about golf and making it more accessible by answering the complex questions fans have about the pro game or who want to understand how to play golf better.

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