Tiger Woods gives his best advice to beginning golfers

Tiger Woods is one of the greatest golfers -- if not the greatest golfer -- of all time. He does everything well in the game. He drives the ball a long way, even at 44 years old. He hits pure iron shots. He has a great imagination, short game and strong putting. He can work the ball in ways his younger peers never learned.

So, maybe Tiger Woods doesn't seem like the best person to explain golf to a beginner. After all, Woods probably hasn't missed the center of the club face since being on "The Michael Douglas Show" 40 years ago. However, Woods understands the importance of great contact perhaps better than any golfer, and he sure understands managing his off-peak game better than any golfer alive.

That's why the advice Tiger Woods has for beginning golfers is so brilliant.

Speaking with Triple M’s “Hot Breakfast” on Australian radio, Woods explained the one tip he gives to beginner-level golfers about how quickest to get better at golf. It boils down to taking baby steps.

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“To get better, I would say more than anything try to make little swings and build up, make bigger swings but hit the ball in the middle of the face,” Woods said.

“That’s something I stress with every single junior golfer and every amateur, start with a little pitch shot 10 yards, and then 20, 30. Work your way out and try to hit the ball in the middle of the face. If you can find the middle of the face consistently, your game is going to improve by so many shots; you’re going to enjoy the game so much more. But if you can’t find the middle of the face it’s going to be quite frustrating, and this game is frustrating enough.”

It's such a critical piece of advice, whether it involves full shots, partial shots or pitch shots. Being able to reliably hit the ball particular distance ranges with comfort and finding the center of the face with them makes it much more comfortable to save scores and get out of tricky situations. So many beginning golfers typically focus on the long game, which is absolutely important, but they do so at the detriment of the short game.